YO I'M YSMENIA RODRIGUEZ ✌(◕‿-)✌HERE TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE IMVU EMO WORLD !!!!!!!!!! the EMO world on IMVU is coming to a downfall less and less members buy and purchase outfits that were once popular between the Imvu users (freaks). Who have gone through thick and thin to create different unique and adorable outfits suited for the EMO FOLKS and scene as well. Stereotypes are invalid everyone can choose to be who they want without the judgment received from the real world which makes Imvu and the emo peeps different, yes they maybe a little cruel and cold hearted at times but its because everyone deals with harsh and crucial situations.
have diverse outfits for anyone's desires and needs the variety of things help those who need or want an addition to
their character will be able to incorporate it into their attires.
NOW IMVU isn't all about the clothes it's also the bonds caused by the likes of the avatar created the diffrences and communication between two souls who have finally found their other half of their heart.........

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